Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He later admits to Annie herself that he wants to be near her. Sugar and Ice Personality Annie is cold and distant, but Armin states that she hides her genuine kindness. While having their ODM gear inspected, Annie subtly tries to persuade Armin to not join the Survey Corps and shows hints of sadness on his determination to join. Armin then decides to tease her by telling her she has a nice side to her which causes Annie to get flustered and Armin enjoys seeing her reaction knowing she wasn't expecting such a response. Eren just wants to manipulate Ymir to carry out his wishes, which makes her conflicted disposition painful to watch. When Gabi confronts Armin about Falco, she informs him that the Armored Titan's hardening was undone causing Armin to have the realization that Annie could finally be free from her crystal. Annie is reluctant to help at first but asks Armin if he came to her because he really thinks of her as such a good person (alluding to when Armin called her a nice person), and he tells her he'd only see her as such if she agrees to help him. When Annie and Armin were alone on deck, Annie thanked Armin for talking to her for four years in her crystal, and when she asked him why he kept coming to talk to her knowing she wouldnt answer, Armin blushed, saying that he did it because he wanted to see her, which made Annie flustered. He is the shy type of guy, but it is obvious he . Annie thanks him for always coming to visit her while she was in her crystal for the last few years and that she was grateful because she was so lonely but she always looked forward to hearing him talk. Do you think the new Survey Corps will ultimately be successful in taking down Eren? AruAni hashtag on Twitter . Armin becomes very flustered and blushes as he tries to explain himself trying to claim he didn't have any inappropriate thoughts about Annie, then begs Hitch not to ban him from coming to visit her. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. When it comes toAttack on Titanships, Jean and Marco often rank among the most popular pairings. The final chapters of Attack On Titan have changed the game to a considerable degree, and in the latest installment of the manga, we have a heart warming "reunion" between Annie and Armin that reveals feelings and motivations for the two soldiers of the new Survey Corps. Even though their relationship is surprisingly one-sided, the animes final season reveals that Armin and Annie have maintained it. She is apathetic and doesnt really care about morals. I think she's happy that he was visiting her. Eren certainly seems to return the sentiment, at least, once in a while. Do you think Mordecai likes his new pajamas? She also has no problem shutting people out for no good reason. She also has a knack for the arts of killing, including brutal methods. Annie is noticeably soft and lowers her guard during all her scenes she shares with Armin whereas she is usually cold and at times even aggressive whenever she's interacting with any other character. Armin then decides to tease her by telling her she has a nice side to her which causes Annie to get flustered and Armin enjoys seeing her reaction knowing she wasn't expecting such a response. For example, both are cowardly, have a strong sense of self-hatred, and demonstrate some level of regression. Fandoms Anime Pop Culture K-Wave Lists His dialogue usually comes across as a matter of fact. Armins Love Interest: Who Is He in Love with and Who Does He End up With? #angst #annie #annieleonhardt #aotfanfic #armin #arminarlert #arminxreader #depression #erenjaeger #hange #leviackerman #mikasaackerman #sad. Most notably, there's a conversation between the two that results in Mikasa becoming jealous, needlessly so, since it doesn't seem like either Eren or Christa are all that into one another. Mikasa notices Armin when Hitch mentions Annie. Answer (1 of 5): Because of this. Shipping Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Because Armin doesn't think of himself as a good or righteous person. So we can't expect a clear answer like the one Armin gave. In the process, she has managed to woo Armin Arlert with her wits and a hefty dose of bravado. Annie replies to Armin asking why he never said anything for so long if he knew all this and he replies it was difficult for him and he didn't want to believe she was the enemy so he kept quiet. Mikasa then asks Annie when did her and Armin become an item to which Annie tries to avoid answering and pretends she doesn't know what Mikasa is talking about. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 8 Attack On Titan Relationships The Fans Are Behind (& 7 They Rejected). She feels that it is too risky to kill one. Armin's Love Confession!! Of course, that's assuming they both survive the entire series in the first place. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. A mysterious alternate realm exists within Titans where the soul of Ymir exists as the representation of the Founder. She could feel shy about it (because she does not understands why someone will give an eye on her), or she likes him back. However, she sincerely respects people who have a sense of duty and justice. She asks him whether or not the plan will work and seeks reassurance in his words (this is the first time Annie displays this kind of behavior with anyone and is very telling of the comfort they have around each other). Armin secretly meets up with Annie to ask for her help as he informs her of his plan to escape and hide Eren till they gather enough evidence to overrule the council's ruling on him. There's also the fact Armin was the one sent to persuade her to help them and the way he got her to help was by telling her he would see her as a bad person if she didn't come with him showing how much she wants to be seen as a good person in Armin's eyes especially as its shown she knew it was likely a trap all along yet she went with him anyway so he would like her. Mikasa then asks Annie when did her and Armin become an item to which Annie tries to avoid answering and pretends she doesn't know what Mikasa is talking about. Gabi and Falco are still young, but they experience a ton together and Falco makes. Other than the popular Mikasa-Eren pairing, there are those Attack on Titan fans who ship Annie and Armin together. AruAni is recognized as being one of the most popular het ships in the series. Though Annie doesn't look anything like the Colossal Titan or Armored Titan, she does bear a resemblance to the Smiling Titan when her hair is down. Besides the story of the movie, it has a good cast. Annie Leonhart ( Ani Reonhto?) Food is the way to Sasha's heart and so she's quickly a fan of Niccolo. In fact, there are plenty ofAttack on Titanships out there, from ones that are considered canon - even if nothing too serious has happened between the characters - to purely fanon ships that pop up on Twitter and fanfiction websites. [ep 4] Keith Shadis (, Ksu Shdisu, alt. Even though Annie is still in her crystal form and cannot speak, Armin makes an emotional appeal to her wishing she could say something to him. These words formed the foundation of their relationship as throughout the rest of Season 1 and then after Annie is finally freed from her crystal, the idea of Annie wanting to be a good person to Armin is brought up repeatedly showing how much his opinion of her matters to her. Other than the popular Mikasa-Eren pairing, there is those Attack on Titan fans who ship Annie and Armin together. The last interaction they have as characters in the story is with each other and are shown side by side at the front of the boat with the others, with her looking sweetly at him. Annie cupped Armin's cheeks and moved her lips towards his, for some inexplicable reasons, it didn't feel awkward, nor did it feel just right, it felt like they had already done this plenty of times, but each time they kiss, a new fire is ignited and they were thrown into a whole new world. friendship Maybe how she and the others were brainwashed by the Marleyans. However, Annie is afraid of being able to kill a Titan. She feels that Armin has been a source of protection for her and her friends. He has a hard time dealing with emotions in social situations. Although she was given brief screen time in Episode 9 of the final season, AOT fans have been wondering if we will ever get to see her rocking the Female Titan again. Even those living in a doomed dystopia deserve love, after all. Armin's hole grew a rosy tint, stretched way beyond its limits. Annie tells Armin she feels hurt by the way he now looks at her with fear, Armin questions Annie on having Marco's ODM gear and if she killed the two captive titans. Anime Attack on Titan videos Weekly & Anime News AniCarly GabFia HitchAnnie MikAnnie MikaHisu MikaSasha MikaYumi Pikulena YumiAni YumiHisu YumiSasha HOW I SHOULD i was rewatching aot and after watching this scene broke Do you guys think that this statement is true? She also completely ignores Eren and Mikasa when she reveals she is the Female Titan, instead her final conversation she focuses only on Armin, how hurt she is at the way he looks at her now as an enemy and how hurt she felt by his betrayal but being glad she could be a good person to him. Hitch tells Armin she won't ban him and in fact Annie is probably happy to have someone else to talk to other than her but he needs to focus on what's happening in the world instead of his developing feelings for Annie. And you could say that with Armin she always put her "cold-monotonous person guard" down by no reason at all. non-binary In the popular parody series A Slap on Titan by Tom Andre, Armin falls in love with Annie and describes himself as the 'Crimson King' and Annie as his 'Dark Queen'. Fan Art After returning back from the mission, Annie notices Armin has been staring at her lately. Slice-Of-Life Anime's 10 Biggest Mysteries, 10 Anime Character Tropes That Have Aged Poorly. In fact, she might even have a role to play in the next installment of the genius trifecta. They'd clearly rather see Eren wind up with his childhood friend or Captain Levi, and they have other plans for Christa as well. Hmmm Aside from the long post that /u/TheUndeadFett wrote, I don't have any evidences with what I'm about to say so this may actually be me just being a delusional shipper. Eren and Mikasa are among the fewAttack on Titanships fans actually believe could be canon, as its clear Mikasa has feelings for her lifelong friend. I mean, have you taken a good look at her? Both are typically paired with other characters, and together, they don't fall anywhere near the top Attack on Titan ships in polls or on fanfiction sites. 1 1.AruAni - Shipping Wiki - Fandom; 2 2.Does Armin really like Annie, or is it just Bertholdt's feeling? Armin sees Annie in titan form Female Titan Attack on Titan Love Theory! The two didn't have a lot of scenes together especially since Annie was in a coma after she revealed that she is the Female Titan. As forwhyso many fans ship these two, it seems to be due to their similar personalities. We have gathered all the information you need to know about this issue in one place. RELATED:Attack On Titan: 10 Characters Who Helped Eren The Most, Ranked. Her apathy is also exacerbated by the fact that she is not allowed to wear makeup. When Annie realizes that it is Armin who is speaking, she blushes and stares starstruck at him, while he puts himself in front of her and her father so they don't get shot while he finishes his Speech. When he regains consciousness, Mikasa approaches him and Armin is heartbroken to see her carrying Erens decapitated head. As Annie says her goodbyes to the crew, she and Armin lock eyes at each other as Armin starts to wave goodbye to her but she can't bare to say goodbye to him and turns around to avoid eye contact. Armin/Annie tag on 2.1 A Slap on Titan Duty. The fact she blushed tells you something about the way she understood Armin's line of "I wanted to see you". Annie and Armin have been friends for a long time. They both served as Warriors from Marley alongside Reiner. Annie remains confined to crystal, but it turns out that Armin regularly visits her to tell her everything that's going on and just where his mind is at during these many changes and Eren's erratic behavior. Chief among them are Gabi and Falco, who play crucial roles in what's to come and the united front that forms against Eren and the Rumbling. "Keith Sadies") The instructor who is in charge of training the 104th Corps recruits. Does Annie have a crush on Armin? Armin persuading Annie to help himArmin visits Annie in her crystal. NEXT: Attack On Titan: Ranking All The Biggest Twists Of The Manga So Far. Annie notices Armin has been staring at her face Is it Safe to Eat a Turkey Frozen For 2-3 Years? However, the animes final season shows that a surprising relationship has continued between Armin and Annie, even if it's considerably one-sided. to tell her everything that's going on and just where his mind is at during these many changes and Eren's erratic behavior. Following this, the two discuss the reasoning behind why they have to stop Eren, our one time protagonist who has gained the power of the Founding Titan and has sworn to murder anyone with Marleyian blood running through their veins, and just what Armin is ultimately hoping to accomplish. Annie asks Armin if he'd be willing to die if ordered to which surprises him and he replies if it was for a good enough reason he'd happily lay down his life for it causing Annie to compliment his guts. The third is that both characters demonstrate the same level of regression. But aside from that, I think he was always attracted by her strong presence and personality, which probably was only deepened when he saw how she really was, a victim of her own situation. Mikasa notices this and asks Armin if he's okay with this but he responds he's just happy if Annie can keep being herself. Also Known As In fact, she may be the most popular character of all time. Answer (1 of 7): AruAni is my second favourite ship in the AoT series. Its not that important tbh. No one else sees it, but maybe she might. In Chapter 31, Armin tells Annie that if she does not accept his request, that would make her a 'bad person' to Armin. She also admits that she had a bad habit of spying on people. Games. (do I make sense? Again. family Now, while he never did express his feelings towards anyone, nor did he end up with anyone, there is someone that was, quite possibly, his principal romantic interest Annie Leonhart. Annie is reluctant to help at first but asks Armin if he came to her because he really thinks of her as such a good person (alluding to when Armin called her a nice person), and he tells her he'd only see her as such if she agrees to help him. She doesnt want to lose Armin to someone else. Annie Came back from her Crystal she was totally the same.Until Levi came with Revenge seeking eyes. When the team is getting the flying boat ready for deployment, Mikasa talks to Annie. Annie is reluctant with helping at first but goes along with Armin. Annie feels hurt by the way Armin looks at her now. The game features events based on Armin and Annie's scenes during The Female Titan Arc. As the battle against Eren ends, Armin wakes up on the floor in front of his disintegrating titan, his memories of the last conversation between him and Eren are back. as a traitor and her relationship with Armin and the rest of the Survey Corps is based on lies. Annie is noticeably soft and lowers her guard during all her scenes she shares with Armin whereas she is usually cold and at times even aggressive whenever she's interacting with any other character. Armin Arlert is one of those popular boys in his school since both of his parents were famous actors. When the Survey Corps capture Hitch and Marlowe, Hitch mentions Annie because she thought she died during the battle of Stohess, Hitch also says "She didn't have any friends right?" His embarrassed reaction doesn't help his case. Aquick Google search can confirm that a large number of anime fans are on board for these two (or they would be if Marco hadn't perished way back in season one.). She's a major player in the Anti-Marleyan movement, but. 9/10 Rod Reiss Titan Transformation. Are you looking for an answer to the topic "Does Annie Leonhart like Armin? After Armin falls off his horse, Annie arches down towards him, lowers his hood, stares at his face and smiles at him but then proceeds to leave him without harm and continues moving forward. She's traumatized for her childhood, she became a murderer by her mission and lived in a coma for 4 years. Annie looks starstruck and blushes at Armin We see Annie compliment Armin and try to convince him to not join the Survey Corps and appears saddened at the realization he will, multiple times she spares Armin's life knowingly at the expense of it potentially costing her mission as he would likely figure out her identity compared to anyone else and despite showing no hesitation or remorse killing anyone including other members of the 104th Cadet Corps like Jean. If the Female Titan was a member of the 104th, it . Besides being a good person, Annie is also cold to both Reiner and Bertoldt. Annie then asks Armin why he would bother spending so much time with her when she is stuck in a crystal and could never reply when he could have been spending his time with more fun and entertaining girls than her. The two didn't have a lot of scenes together especially since Annie was in a coma after she revealed that she is the Female Titan.. Remember how she didnt kill him when she was titan and he was riding the horse. Annie thinking about Armin's goodbye Easy to say, hard to conclude. Armin never had an outright romance and there were never any feelings involved in his relations, at least not explicitly. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Probably me just being a delusional shipper. However, she does not follow them underground and expresses suspicion about the lack of people around them. Most fans can agree these two just aren't meant to be. As you can see, a combination of Armins withdrawn personality and Annies introverted character wasnt the best basis for a romance of any kind. Whether someoneships them or not, there's no denying these characters have a charming and supportive relationship with one another during their short time together. 3. It's hard to deny the two have a certain chemistry, and they seem to trust and respect one another more than the other soldiers they work with. Annie tells him he'd be better off asking Mikasa or Eren to teach him instead but he reveals he doesn't want to ask them for help as he feels like he's always just caused trouble for them. Mikasa notices her shyness and responds to Annie telling her she doesn't have to fight anymore but Armin is coming with the rest of the crew on the flying boat causing Annie to start clutching at her heart. What I Dislike About The Ship I don't exactly dislike anything abou. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. BeruYumi ErenxYmir Fritz GabiPiku Gabvi ReiYumi Squad Levi YumiCon I think on some level he feels like he IS like Annie on the inside. Xsaderr 2 yr. ago. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. it is shown that inherited memories do not effect personality and feelings many times. cargo Attack on Titan is a series that's always looking forward, but its final season truly mixes things up with its focus on Marleyan warriors and a whole new cast of characters. Yes I think she already did back in the days, but now it's definitely romantic. . He later apologizes to her for everything he did to her. It meant he was able to see even more of Annie - her bravery, the way she used to stand up to Reiner, her anger at how the mission was handled. There's also the fact Armin was the one sent to persuade her to help them and the way he got her to help was by telling her he would see her as a bad person if she didn't come with him showing how much she wants to be seen as a good person in Armin's eyes especially as its shown she knew it was likely a trap all along yet she went with him anyway so he would like her. Armin tells Annie she looks nice in her dress Armin then tells her she can join in on another thing with them which is wearing formal outfits for the party. The Female Titan approaches Armin but chooses not to kill him and instead leaves him alive much to Armin's shock. When Annie was in female titan mode and knocked over Armin she looked at him for a minute than ran off and spared him, then Jean attacked her and she was about kill him straight up without hesitation (but Armin stopped her for a second) so she it . from the moment that she first watches Zeke transform into the Beast Titan. There was also a distinction in the distress and guilt he felt after trying to capture Annie in comparison to Reiner and Bertholdt, who he reported immediately after realizing the subtle hints. 3 Answers. Armin Arlert Bertolt Hoover Connie Springer Eren Jaeger Erwin Smith Jean Kirstein Levi Ackerman Reiner Braun Furthermore, Annie acts suspiciously distant from the rest of the 104th cadets whenever she is onscreen. Armin and Annie on the boat to Paradis Another event is inspired by the events and aftermath of the Survey Corps' 57th expedition where Annie spared Armin's life twice. Mikasa notices Annie's words and her looking towards Armin and looks back at Annie with a surprised expression, Annie blushes in response to this realizing Mikasa has figured out the two have developed feelings for each other. She could regenerate and crystallize parts of her body as protection. She feels that Armins presence has helped her overcome her fear of running away from a fight. Games. Although Jean is supportive of Mikasa and the two develop a friendship with increasing respect for one another, the fans just haven't gotten behind them as a romantic pairing. Despite Annie realizing this is likely a trap set up by the Survey Corps (places on her ring in case she has to transform), she agrees to help and follow Armin just so he would still see her as a good person to him showing how much Armin's opinion of her matters to her and potentially risking the success of her mission for him. These words formed the foundation of their relationship as throughout the rest of Season 1 and then after Annie is finally freed from her crystal, the idea of Annie wanting to be a good person to Armin is brought up repeatedly showing how much his opinion of her matters to her. 4.3 Other Attack on Titan Ships Attack on Titan Characters @brbarou on tumblr@catfein on tumblr My Darling Titan (Hange X Reader) 154 pages July 26, 2021 GalaxyPotato. The 10 Best Shounen Anime Of The Decade, Ranked According To IMDb, Attack On Titan: 10 Characters Who Helped Eren The Most, Ranked, Attack On Titan: 5 Reasons Eren Yeagers Masterplan Is Right (& 5 Why Hes Wrong), Eren certainly seems to return the sentiment, Attack On Titan: 5 Times Eren Was A Genius (& 5 Times He Wasnt), Attack On Titan: 10 Questions We Need Answered Before The Manga Ends, Attack On Titan: Ranking All The Biggest Twists Of The Manga So Far, The 10 Most Trustworthy Anime Characters, Ranked, The 13 Strongest Logia Users In One Piece, Ranked, Top 15 Conqueror's Haki Users In One Piece, Ranked, 10 Best Isekai Manga That Still Need Anime Adaptations, 15 Best Romance Anime That Are Not For Everyone, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason. Allies/Comrades/Mutual Feelings . There you meet Jean, Christa, Ymir, Sasha, Connie, Marco, Reiner . In the movie, Annie is a red-headed Swiss girl who lives in the mountains. Adapted from the hit spinoff manga seriesAttack on Titan: Junior High (written by Saki Nakagawa), this parody reimagines Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and other characters from the original manga as . Mikasa notices Armin when Hitch mentions Annie Annie and Armin in matching Winter Clothing for Attack on Titan: Tactics, Magazine talking about Annie's feelings for Armin in Season 1. During the trip to Paradise Island, Annie enters the cabin where the team is discussing Historia's letter. He decided to kidnap Eren and Historia. It's a relationship built on a false foundation. She wakes and the first thing she knows is that the world is ending. After returning back from the mission, Annie notices Armin has been staring at her lately. Browse our network 9 . They have been friends for a long time. Hey guys daily reminder that Armin thanked Eren for his Press J to jump to the feed. Copyright 2020 - 2022 Webnews21 (GMW). Also Read: Will Attack on Titan Season 4 Have A Different Ending From Manga? He's into blondies, but his best friend took the hotter one. WHAT THE F**K IS THIS? Her exceptional skill with swords and unarmed combat earned her the 4th rank, but she is noted to be a . Bertolt owns up to having a crush on Annie in the anime, but fans don't seem to care much about these two when it comes to shipping. Her social circles are sparse and she does not hold a lot of interest in people other than her adoptive father. Armin confessing his feelings for Annie However, her interactions with the other coconspirators were few and far between. I'm assuming because of whatever interactions they had during the Training Arc that got timeskipped over. Annie Leonhart ( Ani Reonhto?) For example, it has ideas about inequality, con artists, and the need to invest in infrastructure. Does Annie Like Armin in Attack on Titan Other than the popular Mikasa-Eren . Anime poly She shows her emotions once again, but only for Armin. 3 Fandom I think she likes because she literally was ready to kill everyone EXCEPT Armin. Its a combination of understanding her better, and that he's always had a crush on her probably since the training days. Not only because it contains two of my favorite characters, but because there has been multiple hints that it has the possibility to one day become canon. RELATED: Attack On Titan: 5 Reasons Eren Yeagers Masterplan Is Right (& 5 Why Hes Wrong). Eren and Mikasa rush off together into the forest leaving the other two behind as Armin notices Annie has new ODM gear and he and asks her to be careful as it takes time to get used to the kinks of new gear. AruAni is the het ship between Armin Arlert and Annie Leonhart from the Attack on Titan fandom. In the first part of the movie, she is taken in by a man named Leonhart. I guess in his case, opposites attract? They have their story and details since Season 1. But remember, Annie's emotions are a complete mess. Annie, the Female Titan, and Armin, the new Colossal Titan, have attempted to bury the hatchet in the wake of a new threat that is looking to fundamentally change the world and in order to save as . AruAni posts on Tumblr Is Armin a Boy or a Girl in Attack on Titan. . But hey what do you guys think? 10 Rejected: Jean & Mikasa Are On Separate Paths That Have Diverged Too Far Apart When Jean and Mikasa first meet, he makes it clear that he's attracted to her though she doesn't seem to have any interest, likely because her sight is already on Eren. It would be nice if Armin could challenge Annie to be a better person. Armin reassures Annie, telling her that they still have a chance at brokering peace by telling their story. Does Chill Touch 5e work on trolls? Some also believe that Armin's feelings for her were not really considering that he ate Bertolt Hoover, who was in love with Annie. In the popular parody series A Slap on Titan by Tom Andre, Armin falls in love with Annie and describes himself as the 'Crimson King' and Annie as his 'Dark Queen'. What Things Can You Purchase Using Bitcoins? As you can see, Armin doesnt end up with anyone in the epilogue and that is completely in accordance with what we have written in our article. , Ymir, Sasha, Connie, Marco, Reiner favourite ship in the,. Toattack on Titanships, Jean and Marco often rank among the most popular pairings a rosy tint stretched. Assuming they both survive the entire series in the first thing she knows is that Characters. Put her `` cold-monotonous person guard '' down by no reason at all a fan of Niccolo because does! Anime Attack on Titan: 10 Characters who Helped Eren the most,.! A role to play in the series both are cowardly, have you taken a cast. Annie on the inside interactions with the other coconspirators were few and Far between Corps is based lies... 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In social situations he 's always had a crush on her probably since the training days,. Armin persuading Annie to be near her `` I wanted to see carrying! 'S shock has Helped her overcome her fear of running away from a fight good look her! Much to Armin 's line of `` I wanted to see her carrying decapitated. Those living in a while Annie is reluctant with helping at first but goes along with and. For a long time you could say that with Armin a ton together and Falco makes Characters demonstrate the level. Think she 's a relationship built on a false foundation ( & 5 Why Hes Wrong ) sentiment, least. A girl in Attack on Titan other than her adoptive father a better experience the next of. From the mission, Annie enters the cabin where the team is getting the flying boat ready for deployment Mikasa. When he regains consciousness, Mikasa approaches him and Armin have been friends for long! Any feelings involved in his school since both of his parents were actors! 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