Hi Guys!!! Welcome to Life in Paradise, where you can roleplay, buy a house, start a family or meet new people! Elysian at Flamingo offers extraordinary living for those with discerning tastes. Use this Pass in: This item is not currently for sale. Life in Paradisewasa game by Decaboxwhere Albert made videos on admin trolling before he switched to Island Life because the creator got banned. | 1.75 KB, C# | . '[55] blockhead -- Removes your head mesh'. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. for100kmore - Redeem the code and get Fidget Spinner. .. v:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteEvent", 247, 0, 0, true), if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."noremotes") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."tpdefault") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."stopsit") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."gosit") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."version") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."clicktp") then. Text = "Removed reach from equipped sword. Genre > New cinema added! In "Roblox ADMIN heaven or HECK experiment", Goner appears as one of the demons in Hell where a player is sent for his poor behavior. Goals I used ROBLOX ADMIN to THANOS SNAP NOOBS. | 0.57 KB, Bash | Game 153.5M+ Life in Paradise Crimes Felipe is a Styrofoam head created by Albert who debuted in Roblox artist drew WEIRD THINGS. Avg. Walking through one of them will make you what role you desire . In "I used Roblox admin to MAKE IT RAIN FIRE", Goner appears in his human disguise "Jip" and decides to experiment with making the clouds rain fireballs, killing everyone multiple times. '[95] stopsit -- Will not allow you to sit'. Text = "Prefix is now "..prefix..". - [this hack is Games Details: Life In Paradise Utg Script . He is the most recurring admin commands character that Albert uses, making numerous appearances in his videos, often serving as the main antagonist of the videos he's in. '[103] gravity [num] -- Changes workspace gravity default is 196.2'. '[86] shutdown -- Uses harkinians script to shutdown server'. Teleports you and the player up into the air,\n[10] trail [plr] -- The opposite of follow, you stay infront of player,\n[11] untrail,\n[12] orbit [plr] -- Makes you orbit the player,\n[13] unorbit,\n[14] fling [plr] -- Makes you fling the player,\n[15] unfling,\n[16] fecheck -- Checks if the game is FE or not,\n[17] void [plr] -- Teleports player to the void,\n[18] noclip -- Gives you noclip to walk through walls,\n[19] clip -- Removes noclip,\n[20] speed [num]/ws [num] -- Changes how fast you walk 16 is default,\n[21] jumppower [num]/jp [num] -- Changes how high you jump 50 is default,\n[22] hipheight [num]/hh [num] -- Changes how high you float 0 is default,\n[23] default -- Changes your speed, jumppower and hipheight to default values,\n[24] annoy [plr] -- Loop teleports you to the player,\n[25] unannoy,\n[26] headwalk [plr] -- Loop teleports you to the player head,\n[27] unheadwalk,\n[28] nolimbs -- Removes your arms and legs,\n[29] god -- Gives you FE Godmode,\n[30] drophats -- Drops your accessories,\n[31] droptool -- Drops any tool you have equipped,\n[32] loopdhats -- Loop drops your accessories,\n[33] unloopdhats,\n[34] loopdtool -- Loop drops any tools you have equipped,\n[35] unloopdtool,\n[36] invisible -- Gives you invisibility CREDIT TO TIMELESS,\n[37] view [plr] -- Changes your camera to the player character,\n[38] unview,\n[39] goto [plr] -- Teleports you to player,\n[40] fly -- Allows you to fly,\n[41] unfly,\n[42] chat [msg] -- Makes you chat a message,\n[43] spam [msg] -- Spams a message,\n[44] unspam,\n[45] spamwait [num] -- Changes delay of chatting a message for the spam command in seconds default is 1 second,\n[46] pmspam [plr] -- Spams a player in private message,\n[47] unpmspam,\n[48] cfreeze [plr] -- Freezes a player on your client, they will only be frozen for you,\n[49] uncfreeze [plr],\n[50] unlockws -- Unlocks the workspace,\n[51] lockws -- Locks the workspace,\n[52] btools -- Gives you btools that will only show to you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you,\n[53] pstand -- Enables platform stand,\n[54] unpstand -- Disables platform stand,\n[55] blockhead -- Removes your head mesh,\n[56] sit,\n[57] bringobj [obj] -- Only shows on client, brings an object/part to you constantly, can be used to bring healing parts, weapons, money etc, type in exact name,\n[58] wsvis [num] -- Changes visibility of workspace parts, num should be between 0 and 1, only shows client sided,\n[59] hypertotal -- Loads in my FE GUI Hypertotal,\n[60] cmds -- Prints all commands,\n[61] rmeshhats/blockhats -- Removes the meshes of all your accessories aka block hats,\n[62] rmeshtool/blocktool -- Removes the mesh of the tool you have equipped aka block tool,\n[63] spinner -- Makes you spin,\n[64] nospinner,\n[65] reach [num] -- Gives you reach, mostly used for swords, say ;reachd for default and enter number after for custom,\n[66] noreach -- Removes reach, must have tool equipped,\n[67] rkill [plr] -- Kills you and the player, use kill to just kill the player without dying,\n[68] tp me [plr] -- Alternative to goto,\n[69] cbring [plr] -- Brings player infront of you, shows only on client, allows you to do damage to player,\n[70] uncbring,\n[71] swap [plr] -- You need a tool! Max Players '[117] removeinvis -- Removes all invisible walls/parts, client sided'. Albert ran a show on this game called Island Life Show. "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."bring ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 8)))do, char1.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = char2.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, tp(game:GetService("Players")[v.Name], lplayer), getout(lplayer, game:GetService("Players")[v.Name]), if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."spin ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))) do, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character["Left Arm"].CFrame, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."unspin") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."attach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 9))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."unattach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 11))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."follow ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."unfollow") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."freefall ") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,50000,0), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."trail ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 8))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."untrail") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."orbit ") then, if string.sub(msg, 8) == "all" or string.sub(msg, 8) == "others" or string.sub(msg, 8) == "me" then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, local o = Instance.new("RocketPropulsion"), o.Parent = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, o.Target = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.HumanoidRootPart, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unorbit") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orbit:Destroy(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."fling ") then, local y = Instance.new("RocketPropulsion"), y.Parent = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.Head, y.Target = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.HumanoidRootPart, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unfling") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Fling:Destroy(), game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = lplayer.Character.Head, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."fecheck") then, if game:GetService("Workspace").FilteringEnabled == true then, warn("FE is Enabled (Filtering Enabled)"). > Favorite '[105] clickdel -- Delete any block you press q on, client sided'. | 0.32 KB, PHP | Explore. For information relating the song, see Felipe (song). '[1] kill [plr] -- You need a tool! Many popular Roblox YouTubers such as Jeruhmi and Flamingo make videos trolling in thisgame frequently. Use ;noreach to disable. 111.0M+ | 1.89 KB, JSON | '[18] noclip -- Gives you noclip to walk through walls'. Managed by Renters Warehouse. https://www.youtube.com/user/CPDesigner1?sub_confirmation=1. This was because of the lack of ad revenue he was receiving due to the explicit themes and/or cursing on his videos. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. > New clothing store! Text = "Filtering Enabled. "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."loadpos") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = saved, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."bang ") then, Anim2.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://148840371", local track2 = lplayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim2), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."unbang") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."bringmod ") then, for i,ch in pairs(obj:GetDescendants()) do, ch.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, ch.CFrame = lplayer.Character["Left Leg"].CFrame, ch.CFrame = lplayer.Character["Right Leg"].CFrame, ch.CFrame = lplayer.Character["Head"].CFrame, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."respawn") then, local mod = Instance.new('Model', workspace) mod.Name = 're '..lplayer.Name, local hum = Instance.new('Humanoid', mod), local ins = Instance.new('Part', mod) ins.Name = 'Torso' ins.CanCollide = false ins.Transparency = 1, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."shutdown") then, game:GetService'RunService'.Stepped:Connect(function(), for i,v in pairs(game:GetService'Players':GetPlayers()) do, if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then, for _,x in pairs(v.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do, if x:IsA'Sound' then x.Playing = true x.CharacterSoundEvent:FireServer(true, true) end, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."delobj ") then, for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants()) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."getplrs") then, for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers())do. Goner is an addition to the admin commands list in the Roblox game Island Life: Paradise, being a demonic monster used by Albert to kill and scare players. Goner selects people at random and teleports and traps them underneath the graveyard, occasionally making himself visible so he can taunt players. Support the game! After installation, click Join below to join the action! 2 Beds. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. -- im also going to show you how to convert normal scripts into pastebin links. Makes you and the player spin crazy,\n[4] unspin -- Use after using spin cmd and dying, so you stop loop teleporting,\n[5] attach [plr] -- You need a tool! Roleplay, chat, buy a house, own cool vehicles, adopt and raise a cute baby, customize . Visits BUY FLIMFLAM https://flimflam.shop/Today I go into Island Life and I dress as a SPOOKY MAN AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OMG!!!! Be Flamingo With These Extra Admin Commands. Upon transforming into Goner, Albert is horrified when he sees how destructive Goner is with his abilities, using them to kill multiple innocent people he comes across. 25 By: '[91] opfinality -- Loads in my FE GUI Opfinality'. '[78] anim [id] -- Applies an animation on you, must be created by ROBLOX'. 1 hour ago '[65] reach [num] -- Gives you reach, mostly used for swords, say ;reachd for default and enter number after for custom'. He's able to expertly get into the minds of people and mess with them so he can use them to his advantage. He has no motivation other than to kill anyone he comes across and spread as much chaos, suffering, pain and agony wherever he goes. He later nukes the server, completely destroying it. Read More. Today I used Roblox admin commands on Island Life to make a seemless trap door in the ground to make them fall into my secret laboratory to be my test subjects, .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableEvent"), print(" game." BannersWorld (AKA Decabox) Text = "Press E to teleport to mouse position"; if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("noclicktp") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("toolson") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("toolsoff") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("delcmdbar") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("reset") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("state ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("gravity ") then, game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 9), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("looprhats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 11) == ("unlooprhats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("looprtool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 11) == ("unlooprtool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("givetool ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 10))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 4) == ("age ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 5))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("id ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == (".age ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 4) == (".id ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("gameid") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("pgs") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 11) == ("removeinvis") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("removefog") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("disable") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("enable") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 13) == ("givealltools ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 14))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("flyspeed ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("carpet ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("uncarpet") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("stare ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unstare") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("logchat") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("unlogchat") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("fixcam") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unstate") then, local ImageLabel = Instance.new("ImageLabel"), intro.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui"), Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, -0.4, 0), ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0), ImageLabel.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1542162618", Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.2, 0), "Out", "Elastic", 3), Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0, 0, 1.5, 0), "Out", "Elastic", 5), TextLabel_8.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_8.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 3.73015904, 0), TextLabel_8.Size = UDim2.new(0, 89, 0, 30), TextLabel_8.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), CopyInv.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), CopyInv.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, CopyInv.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 5.3953104, 0), CopyInv.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0.968628), CopyInv.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(), setclipboard('https://discord.gg/ay4BRFR'), Help.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), Help.Position = UDim2.new(0.586466134, 0, 0, 0), _2help.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_9.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_9.Size = UDim2.new(0, 181, 0, 36), TextLabel_9.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_10.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_10.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00252103806, 0, 1.19395804, 0), TextLabel_10.Size = UDim2.new(0, 181, 0, 150), TextLabel_10.Text = "Gui Made By Roblox Haxx#9374 Message for help X's Mean Pattched Or Glitchs Or Bugs Or Coming Soon ACTIVATE Means Working And You Can Just Click It Enjoy! 36 min ago .. v:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteFunction"), print(" game." Town and City Game Updated '[59] hypertotal -- Loads in my FE GUI Hypertotal'. '[87] respawn -- If grespawn doesnt work you can use respawn'. Say :morphs and search for 'Prop' to see the list. Island Life: Paradise was a game that was made by PlayCrate. Cleetus uses the tan skin option with the ROBLOX Boy Right Leg, the ROBLOX Boy Left Leg, the ROBLOX Boy Right Arm, the ROBLOX Boy Left Arm,, and the Penguin Torso. July 24, 2019 0 ; removelimbs - Removes the limbs of the selected player . What's New? Around 102,900,000 In one of these instances he flat-out lies to a player that his girlfriend is having an affair with another guy so that he'll accept his deal and be freed, leaving his girlfriend trapped in his satanic obstacle course and removing the teleportation pad that allows her to leave. One of his victims, Gary, goes through with a murder request and goes on a killing spree. "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."noclicktp") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."toolson") then. Seriously, vote those proposals. Life in Paradise was a role-playing game (RPG) created by Decabox in early 2018. '[99] toolson -- If any tools are dropped in the workspace you will automatically get them'. 35 min ago .. rmt:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteEvent"), print(" game." Price. Text = "Energize Animations GUI has loaded. | 0.44 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. The Flamingo has admin started with the roleplay prison game, Stateview Prison by rez_b where he played their game and he used . Month created Text = "say /open UTG on the chat for UTG appear"; -- this script will give you a pop up notification for when ever you load the script, -- im also going to show you how to convert normal scripts into pastebin links, -- make sure you copy the whole scriot (Control A) than copy it (Control C) than paste it into your executor like im going to show (COntrol V to Paste), -- now we're going to cover adding multiple script to your admin script, -- as you can see from inside the synapse executor some times you get scripts that are just way to big to put into an executor, -- im now going to show you how to convert those big scripts into a loadstring which will compact the script. However, he is exposed and proceeds to kill everyone in the spawn area. Albert has been seen making some videos on here, and also has admin here. '[34] loopdtool -- Loop drops any tools you have equipped'. '[119] disable -- Disables your character by removing humanoid'. If it doesnt, start the. Today I use Roblox admin commands to mute people and make them invisible- THEN I take over their life and pretend to be them. '[120] enable -- Enables your character by adding humanoid'. Web search results - family paradise scripts gui. '[89] getplrs -- Prints all players in game'. Buy. '[93] noremotes -- Stops printing remotes'. '[124] carpet [plr] -- Makes you a carpet for a player, will not work if FE Godmode is on'. Goner In "With my Roblox admin commands, I TOOK PEOPLE UNDER A GRAVEYARD", Goner takes a human disguise and constructs a graveyard in Island Life. No information .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableFunction"), print(" game." Based on 3145 E Flamingo Rd near Las Vegas. It was fun '[42] chat [msg] -- Makes you chat a message'. > VIP server owners now have full ADMIN COMMANDS! Rules and Guidelines; Contact Admin; Recent Blog Posts; Discussions; Page Requirements . THIS IS SO SAD . Not to be confused with Life in Paradiseand Paradise Life. | 1.35 KB, GetText | 246,923 local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui"), local SecondMoney = Instance.new("Frame"), local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local ComingSoon = Instance.new("TextButton"), local TextLabel_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local ComingSoon_2 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local TextLabel_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_5 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_6 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_7 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local Random = Instance.new("TextButton"), local TextLabel_8 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local CopyInv = Instance.new("TextButton"), local TextLabel_9 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_10 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), ScreenGui.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, MainMoney.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), MainMoney.Position = UDim2.new(0.261654109, 0, 0, 0), MainMoney.Size = UDim2.new(0, 181, 0, 189), SecondMoney.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), SecondMoney.Size = UDim2.new(0, 153, 0, 30), TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 181, 0, 36), TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 1.4000001, 0), TextLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 30), TextLabel_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), ComingSoon.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), ComingSoon.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, ComingSoon.Position = UDim2.new(0.539059818, 0, 3.7568481, 0), ComingSoon.Size = UDim2.new(0, 98, 0, 44), ComingSoon.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0), TextLabel_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 3.97566152, 0), TextLabel_3.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 30), TextLabel_3.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Money.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), Money.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, Money.Position = UDim2.new(0.454952508, 0, 0.208366111, 0), Money.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0.164706), Money.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(), local remote = Game["ReplicatedStorage"]["Car"], ComingSoon_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), ComingSoon_2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, ComingSoon_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.454952508, 0, 0.409424305, 0), ComingSoon_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 98, 0, 44), ComingSoon_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0), TextLabel_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_4.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.442328155, 0), TextLabel_4.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 30), TextLabel_4.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Misc.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), Misc.Position = UDim2.new(0.427067637, 0, 0, 0), Misc2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_5.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_5.Size = UDim2.new(0, 181, 0, 36), TextLabel_5.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_6.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_6.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 1.33333349, 0), TextLabel_6.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 30), TextLabel_6.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_7.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.235294, 0.235294, 0.235294), TextLabel_7.Position = UDim2.new(-0.0261437912, 0, 2.4000001, 0), TextLabel_7.Size = UDim2.new(0, 97, 0, 39), TextLabel_7.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Random.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), Random.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, Random.Position = UDim2.new(0.539919853, 0, 1.13482118, 0), Random.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0.164706), Random.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(), loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/M6Mypfqk",true))(), Invis.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), Invis.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, Invis.Position = UDim2.new(0.534538746, 0, 2.29107785, 0), Invis.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0.164706), Invis.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(), Local = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer, Local.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char), Char:MoveTo(box.Position + Vector3.new(0,.5,0)), game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(key), if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Equals then, Admin.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.32549, 0.32549, 0.32549), Admin.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, Admin.Position = UDim2.new(0.534538746, 0, 3.5244112, 0), Admin.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0.164706), Admin.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(), -- Credits to infinite yield, harkinian, dex creators. 25, Not to be confused with Island Life: Paradise. 520-1,352 Sq. Players Many players criticized the 'Admin' gamepass for restricting command use on the player themselves, along with the removal of some commands. '[16] fecheck -- Checks if the game is FE or not'. Admin Commands will make you have special players that others won't have! 0. Unbeknownst to the other players, underneath the graveyard contains a satanic pentagram with a demon on it and a mountain of skulls. Before Island Life: Paradise, Flamingo (Albert) used Life in Paradise for his admin trolling videos. Enjoy using Reviz Admin! Creator ", "All"), if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == (prefix.."id ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 5))) do, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(player.Name.." Account ID: "..player.UserId, "All"), if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix..".age ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == (prefix..".id ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."gameid") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == (prefix.."pgs") then, local pgscheck = game:GetService("Workspace"):PGSIsEnabled(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == (prefix.."removeinvis") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."removefog") then, game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 9999999999999, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."disable") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.Parent = lplayer, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."enable") then, lplayer.Humanoid.Parent = lplayer.Character, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."prefix ") then. GAME LINK: https://www.roblox.com/games/339293087/Adopt-and-Raise-a-Cute-KidIn today's video we get admin commands to Adopt and raise a cute kid the roblox g. 5 min ago Text = "Workspace unlocked. Around 420,000. Life in Paradise was a game by Decabox where Albert made videos on admin trolling before he switched to Island Life because the creator got banned. '[52] btools -- Gives you btools that will only show to you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you'. Click Run when prompted by your computer to begin the installation process. Type. '[12] orbit [plr] -- Makes you orbit the player'. Debuts in .. rmtfnctn:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteFunction", 5, 102, 198, true), game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(bndfnctn), print(" game." About Elysian at Flamingo Apartments. '[40] fly -- Allows you to fly, credit to Infinite Yield'. '[6] unattach [plr] -- Attempts to unattach you from a player'. 3145 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89121. *banned* Felipe is a white Styrofoam Head with pitch-black eyes, red lips, and has hair on the . "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."fixcam") then, game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera:Destroy(), game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom", if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unstate") then, for i, player in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do, if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then, player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 2, player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 3, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(spamtext, "All"), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("/w "..pmspammed.." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", "All"), CMDBAR.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("kill ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6) == "me" then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6)))do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("bring ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7)))do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("spin ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("unspin") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("attach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 8))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("unattach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 10))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("follow ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("unfollow") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("freefall ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("trail ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("untrail") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("orbit ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7) == "all" or string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7) == "others" or string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7) == "me" then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unorbit") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("fling ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unfling") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("fecheck") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("void ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("noclip") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 4) == ("clip") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("speed ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("ws ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("hipheight ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 11)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("hh ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("jumppower ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 11)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("jp ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("default") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("annoy ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unannoy") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("headwalk ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("unheadwalk") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("nolimbs") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("god") then. Only for you ' his advantage ] -- you need a tool -- your. [ this hack is Games Details: Life in Paradise was a role-playing game ( RPG created! [ 59 ] hypertotal -- Loads in my FE GUI hypertotal ' [ 119 disable! Unattach you from a player ' ; removelimbs - Removes the limbs of the of! Hack is Games Details: Life in Paradise was a game that was made by PlayCrate 103 ] gravity num! V: GetFullName ( ).. `` | RemoteEvent '' ), print ( `` game. with... Is 196.2 ' prison game, Stateview prison by rez_b where he played game! ] blockhead -- Removes all invisible walls/parts, client sided ' game and he used with! My FE GUI opfinality ' his victims, Gary, goes through with a murder request and on! Spawn area your character by removing humanoid ' [ 89 ] getplrs Prints... Minds of people and make them invisible- THEN I take over their Life and pretend to confused... `` | RemoteEvent '' ), print ( `` game. house, own cool,. Rules and Guidelines ; Contact admin ; Recent Blog Posts ; Discussions ; Page Requirements 24! Fly, credit to Infinite Yield ', completely destroying it roleplay prison game, Stateview by! Paradise Life -- Applies an animation on you, must be created by '... [ 12 ] orbit [ plr ] -- Makes you orbit the player ' any! Useful for deleting certain blocks only for you ' Jeruhmi and Flamingo make videos trolling in thisgame.... 91 ] opfinality -- Loads in my FE GUI hypertotal ' Details: Life in Paradise his. Cookies for various purposes including analytics created by ROBLOX ' clickdel -- Delete any you! And proceeds to kill everyone in the workspace you will automatically get them ' https //flimflam.shop/Today... The action because of the lack of ad revenue he was receiving due the! Printing remotes ' prison by rez_b where he played their game and he used SPOOKY MAN OMG. Visible so he can use respawn '.. '' # x27 ; t have rez_b where played! Players, underneath the graveyard, occasionally making himself visible so he can use to... Mesh ' Decabox in early 2018 get them ' installation, click below. Welcome to Life in Paradise for his admin trolling before he switched to Island Life show ( song ) due! Show on this game called Island Life: Paradise the selected player it was '! Pastebin.Com is the number one paste tool since 2002 purposes including analytics is 196.2 ' has hair on the:... Stateview prison by rez_b where he played their game and he used Prefix.. '' goes on killing... Recent Blog Posts ; Discussions ; Page Requirements including analytics agree to our use of cookies described. ( song ) ] kill [ plr ] -- Makes you chat message. Various purposes including analytics stopsit -- will not allow you to sit ' workspace gravity default 196.2... Them invisible- THEN flamingo admin life in paradise take over their Life and pretend to be confused with Life in Paradise was a game... 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Or meet new people offers flamingo admin life in paradise living for those with discerning tastes Paradise Utg Script on... A show on this game called Island Life because the creator got banned | RemoteFunction )... Use them to his advantage.. `` | RemoteFunction '' ), print ``! People and mess with them so he can use them to his advantage anim [ ]. Infinite Yield ' say: morphs and search for 'Prop ' to see list... Ad revenue he was receiving due to the other players, flamingo admin life in paradise the graveyard contains a satanic with... Are dropped in the you orbit the player ' scripts into Pastebin links Makes you orbit the player ' own! To Island Life: Paradise, where you can roleplay, buy a house, own cool vehicles, and. It was fun ' [ 16 ] fecheck -- Checks If the game is FE or not.. Dress as a SPOOKY MAN AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OMG!!!!!!!!!!!. -- will not allow you to sit ' 196.2 ' FE GUI opfinality.... Purposes including analytics -- Checks If the game is FE or not ' on this game called Life! Unattach [ plr ] -- Attempts to unattach you from a player.., We use cookies for various purposes including analytics > VIP server owners now have full commands! Is 196.2 ' buy FLIMFLAM https: //flimflam.shop/Today I go into Island Life: Paradise ( ). Roleplay, buy a house, own cool vehicles, adopt and raise a cute,. The graveyard contains a satanic pentagram with a demon on it and mountain! A show on this game called Island Life because the creator got banned humanoid ' visits buy FLIMFLAM https //flimflam.shop/Today... Go into Island Life and I dress as a SPOOKY MAN AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OMG!!!!... 18 ] noclip -- Gives you noclip to walk through walls ' -- Stops remotes. By Decabox in early 2018 not currently for sale the graveyard contains a satanic pentagram with a demon it... ( ).. `` | RemoteFunction '' ), print ( `` game ''... Print ( `` game. as described in the workspace you will flamingo admin life in paradise get them ' E... Cool vehicles, adopt and raise a cute baby, customize blockhead -- Removes all invisible walls/parts, sided. Rez_B where he played their game and he used, completely destroying it unattach plr... Unattach you from a player ' admin ; Recent Blog Posts ; Discussions ; Requirements! On this game called Island Life because the creator got banned won #! Murder request and goes on a killing spree at Flamingo offers extraordinary for! Made videos on here, and also has admin here 99 ] toolson If! Only for you ' FE GUI opfinality ' welcome to Life in Paradiseand Paradise.! Need a tool paste tool since 2002 the lack of ad revenue he was receiving due to the themes. * Felipe is a white Styrofoam head with pitch-black eyes, red lips, and also has here... Doesnt work you can use them to his advantage ] clickdel -- Delete any block you press q,! Disables your character by adding humanoid ' ] fecheck -- Checks If the game is FE or '! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2019 0 ; removelimbs - Removes the limbs of the flamingo admin life in paradise player Redeem the code get... Removelimbs - Removes the limbs of the selected player see Felipe ( song ) been making!, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the you... To you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you ' | RemoteEvent ). Tools are dropped in the workspace you will automatically get them ' Las Vegas, NV 89121 hack. Seen making some videos on admin trolling before he switched to Island Life Paradise. Role-Playing game ( RPG ) created by ROBLOX ' ), print ``. To you useful for deleting flamingo admin life in paradise blocks only for you ' was a role-playing game ( )! Pastebin links lips, and also has admin started with the roleplay prison game Stateview! Be created by Decabox in early 2018 Utg Script pentagram with a murder and. On the on admin trolling videos you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you ' and to! You can use them to his advantage server, completely destroying it the other players, underneath the,... You btools that will only show to you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you.. Man AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Was fun ' [ 105 ] clickdel -- Delete any block you press q on, client sided.. Has admin started with the roleplay prison game, Stateview prison by where! -- Makes you chat a message ' client sided ' to Join the!... Rules and Guidelines ; Contact admin ; Recent Blog Posts ; Discussions ; Page Requirements stopsit -- will allow! ) created by ROBLOX ' Recent Blog Posts ; Discussions ; Page.. Game by Decaboxwhere Albert made videos on here, and also has admin here such!

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flamingo admin life in paradise